Types of Leadership in Management

Types of Leadership in Management-What are Leadership in Management Types-What are the Types of Leadership in Management

Successful leaders have a firm grasp on who they are. They may be aware of their own limitations as leaders and take steps to learn and practice the approach that works best for them and their team. Identifying your strengths and honing in on them while also working to improve your flaws can help you connect with and motivate your team members on a more personal level. In this post, we’ll examine the types of leadership in management and grab extensive knowledge on the topics.

A solid head of state is necessary for any organization to succeed. The nicest part about being a manager is that there’s no one right way to get things done. It is up to you to determine what kind of management and leadership techniques will work best for you and your group. You’ll probably use a mix of these strategies, depending on your personal tastes, the needs of your staff, and the nature of the situation. Poor management and leadership styles can exist, but every approach has some good points and can only become harmful if used incorrectly.

Types of Leadership in Management

Leadership styles vary from scenario to situation. A leader in a sizable firm, for instance, may need to assess situations rapidly and allocate resources wisely. A manager of a smaller team builds closer bonds with team members and takes a personal interest in them. Companies of all sizes and in a wide range of industries can benefit from strong executives. You can use the types of leadership in management list below for research and educational purposes.

Selfless Leadership

In the 1970s, this phrase was created by Robert Greenleaf to describe a boss who is not necessarily treated as one. A leader prioritizing their group’s needs is a “servant leader,” regardless of their position. The focus of servant leadership is on the leader’s role as a servant to the team. The leader’s top priority should be to help his or her team members grow and flourish to the point where they can contribute their best work. When it comes to making decisions, servant leadership is quite similar to political leadership.

Some advocates of the servant leadership model argue that it is essential to proceed in this fashion because of the growing prominence of values in modern society and because servant leaders gain influence via the sincerity and clarity of their views and aspirations. Some argue that leaders who use a servant approach will be “left behind” by those who use more authoritarian methods in a competitive setting. A supervisor who demonstrates servant leadership is likely to win over their subordinates since they understand and value the notion. Those unconcerned with the outcome may find it appealing due of its collaborative and transparent appearance.

Administrative Management

This style of management gives process and established practices high priority, even when they no longer work. Bureaucratic leaders are in charge because they are able to manage the flow of information and utilize this to their advantage while attempting to solve problems. Leaders with a bureaucratic mindset insist that everyone in the organization follows the book to the letter. This is a wonderful choice for jobs that necessitate extreme caution, such as those involving power tools, hazardous materials, high altitudes, or significant sums of money (such as cashiering).

Rigidity and excessive control, on the other hand, can make workers resent their jobs and make it harder for an organization to respond to external developments. The above descriptions of different leadership styles show that leadership styles are crucial qualities for corporate executives to have. They’re a wide-ranging set of traits that come together to shape the culture of an organization or team. Types of leadership in management aims to develop team members’ skills and capabilities through mentoring and guidance.

Taking Charge Like a Coach

This approach to management takes cues from the ways in which sports coaches work, and places a premium on collaboration between superiors and subordinates. For a manager or supervisor, this could be a great way to step up to the plate. This leader wants to find and nurture each team member’s special skills. They are also concerned with ways to enhance their collaboration. This style of management is similar to strategic management and democratic management, but it focuses more on the growth and success of each employee. Leaders that adopt a coaching style strike a balance between supporting and challenging their teams, which helps them take on more responsibility and boosts morale. The leader and the workers alike will feel less pressure as a result. Staff members have a greater sense of agency, and managers depend less on their leader for guidance.

Authoritarian Rule

One of the four main management styles in business is autocratic leadership. The leader makes all the calls and gives all the orders in this type of leadership. Companies utilize it regularly when they need to make snap judgments and give clear, unambiguous guidance to their clients. Autocratic leaders are known to be strict taskmasters who don’t mind using force to get the job done. Effectiveness at times of adversity is one of the benefits of authoritarian authority. An autocratic manager is often the most effective choice when quick choices are required. This style of leadership is especially helpful in situations where followers need to be given clear directives. Autocratic leaders have the ability to inspire loyalty in their followers by inspiring either fear or respect.

But there are several major problems with dictatorships. The frequent occurrence of conflicts is a major drawback of this type of leadership. Employees may experience frustration and anger if they feel they have no say in company decisions. Under an authoritarian boss, people may withhold their ideas and opinions for fear of retaliation. Another problem with this style of leadership is that it places excessive weight on the leader’s own ability to make decisions and exercise sound judgment. A leader’s inability to make good decisions can have disastrous effects on a company. A military general who demands blind obedience from his troops is an example of an authoritarian superior. Another illustration would be a chief executive officer (CEO) who never seeks input from his or her fellow executives but instead always acts unilaterally.

Democratic Administration

I aspire to adopt the Democratic Leadership style, where leaders consider their team’s input when making decisions and are open to trying new approaches. Nelson Mandela effectively utilized this approach during South Africa’s fight for independence, recognizing the importance of individual success for overall progress. Democratic leaders value their staff members’ knowledge and expertise, actively seeking ways to enhance team output and engagement. This leadership style is considered ethical and effective across diverse groups. Types of leadership in management involves articulating a compelling vision and inspiring others to work towards it.

However, there are a few pitfalls to avoid when using this style of leadership. You show your staff that you are approachable and open to their ideas by keeping your door open during the day. You always pay close attention during team meetings and take everyone’s ideas into consideration. Your standing as a compassionate leader who values their team will rise as a result. But then you’re in a tough spot: you have to make a call that goes against what your staff wants. Where do you hope to go with this? Despite the leader’s feelings of isolation, unpopular decisions must be made in this situation. You can rely on the trust you’ve built with your team and the foundation of open communication to carry you through the tough moments if you give thought to how you’ll explain your decision-making process to them in these situations.

Leadership that Transforms

Each member of a transformational leadership team sees themselves as the captain of the ship. They look to the stars and the sky for direction, but they rarely look out onto the deck of the ship itself. This method of leadership is best suited to those who have the ability to offer suggestions but lack a concrete strategy. Consider Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk. Though he may have many suggestions for improving the world, he provides little details on how to put them into action. These captains shine in groups that move quickly yet need constant inspiration to succeed. It’s true that CEOs like him are more suited for the C-suite, where they can have the most impact, than the front lines.

These leaders have great ideas, but they often don’t care much about their followers. Managers under the influence of transformational leaders tend to live in the future rather than the present. The nebulousness of their stated goals can leave employees confused about their day-to-day responsibilities. While visionary leaders are essential in every firm, it’s probably a good idea for executives to ground themselves every once in a while.

Leadership Charisma

There may be numerous similarities between the charismatic leader and the transformational leader, including the latter’s attractiveness. The main distinction between them is how they value things. In contrast to a charismatic leader, a transformational leader aims to drive change within the organization and its personnel. Similar to the transformative method, the charismatic leader infuses their team with enthusiasm and takes an active role in fostering growth.

However, extroverted managers may place more faith in their own abilities than those of their staff. If the charismatic leader leaves, it can be disastrous for the project or the organization as a whole because the followers have come to depend on their leader for their success. Therefore, charismatic leadership requires a lot of work and dedication from the leader over time. Types of leadership in management addresses the challenges of leading diverse and multicultural teams.

Leadership through Transactions

When management is predicated primarily on numbers and clear objectives, transactional leadership thrives. These executives run their businesses with a focus on achieving targets. Like Bill Belichick, they push their teams to hit their KPIs, whether that’s closing a sale or scoring a goal. They make most of their choices based on how important it is to them to reach their monthly goals. I have monthly sales quotas to achieve in my role as Salesperson. As a manager, it is my duty to make sure everyone is pulling their weight and making the necessary sales. I plan to use our quotas to set work standards for my staff and rely largely on transactional leadership in this area of my organization.

The most challenging part of transactional leadership is communication due to the need for precision and uniformity. If you lead in this way, your staff may start to feel like gears in a machine churning out results that have no meaning to them. Educating your staff on the provenance of these figures can help avoid this from happening. Despite pressure from your supervisor, ensure the goals you set for yourself are reasonable. Keep in mind that as a leader, you need to be able to satisfy both your superiors’ and your subordinates’ needs. While this may put you under stress as a leader, it is essential for the success of your team.

Freedom-based Administration

The two managerial styles, autocratic and laissez-faire, couldn’t be more different. Workers under this style of informal management are given a tremendous level of freedom, possibly too much. Leaders that adopt a laissez-faire approach assume that their teams will make decisions that are in everyone’s best interests without any intervention from them. Warren Buffet is a master manager who employs this tactic. This independent thinker from the Midwest hangs out with those he considers “good people” who don’t need much hand-holding. There is no guarantee that the team will follow the general rules provided by a laissez-faire leader. This kind of management succeeds best when used to a group of specialists who have worked together for some time.

Conversely, teams often feel confused and upset by leaders who don’t provide much in the way of guidance. While leaders shouldn’t interfere in every decision, employees require guidance and transparent goals for organizational success. Limits and goals set for a group serve as benchmarks by which its progress can be evaluated. Too much liberty can make your people feel unimportant and unsure of their place in achieving the overall goal.

Leadership with a Strategic Focus

Executives with a strategic focus live at the crossroads between the day-to-day business of a firm and its potential for expansion. He or she looks after the needs of the executive and makes sure everyone else is comfortable in the office. Leadership through strategic thinking is useful in many situations since it helps many workers at once. This kind of strategic management makes procedures more transparent and gives everyone a clear objective. Types of leadership in management focuses on long-term planning and guiding the organization towards its vision.


Is it Possible to Change your Leadership Style?

If a new circumstance emerges at work, you may easily adjust your leadership style to deal with it. There are four main phases of a shift. The first step is realizing you have to change. Then, you get ready for transformation by opening yourself up to new information and perspectives.

Is it Possible to Employ Many Methods of Leadership?

varying people have varying reactions to different leadership styles, and this is reflected in the people that make up an organization. Leaders may get everyone on board with their vision by employing both methods. Employees will be more invested and motivated in their work if they feel more connected to the company.

What Role do Variations in Leadership Style Play, and Why?

When you know the ins and outs of numerous methods, as well as when and when to apply them, you can pick the strategy that works best for you. Your group and employer will reap the rewards of your efforts here.


A leader’s ability to guide and support team members in accomplishing goals is just as important as his or her ability to set clear goals and standards. This may involve setting performance expectations and delivering constructive criticism to help team members reach those goals. We hope this guide, in which we discussed types of leadership in management, was informative and beneficial for you. To expand your understanding about role of leadership in management, read beyond what is offered at face value.

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