Functions of Material Management

Functions of Material Management-What are Material Management Functions-What are the Functions of Material Management

Material organization will help you get these two jobs done much faster. Creating a production schedule and keeping precise stock records will help you enhance output. Decreasing the money spent on acquiring, transporting, storing, and distributing products will increase profits for the company. Experts estimate that a 10% drop in input costs will lead to a 10% rise in final revenue. It is challenging to grow sales by 10% when materials account for 60-64% of total sales revenue, yet it is easy and well within the capability of the materials management function to lower material acquisition expenses by 1%. Continue reading to become an expert in functions of material management and learn everything you can about it.

Maintaining a desired output level at the lowest cost requires careful planning and execution, which is what material management is all about, according to Tersine and Campbell. Keeping a steady flow of materials is one of the key goals of material management. A material request from a supplier kicks off this process, which typically lasts until the requested item is used in production. Material management is essential for businesses. It is easier to keep tabs on material flow and expenses if all material-related tasks are centralized in one division. For an in-depth analysis of the nature of material management, read more and gain valuable insights from it.

Functions of Material Management

Materials management is a crucial part of the supply chain that necessitates careful preparation and execution. Materials management is the process through which businesses anticipate and provide for their future material needs. They relay information on the supplies needed for procurement and other sourcing tasks. Before you think about money, investing, business, or managing it, consider the functions of material management.

Generalization and Simplifying

The design and technical department establishes standards and specifications for various materials, coming second only to the production division. The term “standards” refers to changes in the dimensions, availability, quality, and compatibility of materials and goods. Standardization and generalization (or simplification) achieve maximum efficiency and minimum waste.

More common building supplies may also expect fair costs. It also helps the purchasing department figure out what goods they need and where to get them. When there are fewer product categories to stock, shipping and warehousing costs go down. The overall production costs for a product go down when standards are established.

Disused Warehouses

When possible, businesses stock up on things like office supplies, quickly-depreciating instruments, and maintenance, repair, and operating materials. Stores must always have these supplies available despite their infrequency of use. The absence of such shops could halt development.


In response to requests from other divisions, purchasing makes purchasing decisions. This department is responsible for maintaining supplier contracts, routinely requesting proposals, etc. People in this area look for low prices on top-notch goods.

Purchase is a managerial responsibility that goes far beyond the act of purchase itself and encompasses a wide range of responsibilities that are both related and independent of one another. One of the primary functions of material management is to plan and forecast material requirements based on production schedules and customer demand.

Material Classification

The manufacturing and purchasing divisions of a business can benefit greatly from proper material management, especially the coding and categorization of supplies.

ABC Analysis is a simple but widely used method for classifying materials for use in manufacturing or marketing a wide range of products and commodities. Codes and nomenclature are used by many businesses as a means of organizing and storing documents. Coding is essential for every organization that wants to keep track of inventory, sales, and costs.

Resource Management

The production manager is responsible for developing production schedules. The production blueprints specify each individual part and material that will be used. Orders and forecasts of the quantity needed inform production schedules.

All forms of raw materials and individual components are consistently on hand to minimize production delays. Procuring materials from approved suppliers at the right time and in the required quantity is another essential functions of material management.

Efficacy of the System

This component is crucial to the overall efficiency of the system. Without an effective materials management system, it will be impossible to accomplish the aforementioned goals. For material management to proceed as planned, a foolproof set of rules must govern each procedure within the division. For optimal results, it is essential to use a Management Information System (MIS) and a feedback control system at all times.

Product Design and Creation

The product’s adaptability and practicality could boost sales. Current technologies like Computer-Aided Design (CAD) enable designing the thing in a variety of ways in a short amount of time.

Another technical development in production is the use of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), which can increase the product’s customization options. The materials management team will develop a wide variety of parts based on their usage to ensure the availability of certain material ranges at all times.

Measurements of Material Quality

The quality of raw materials determines the standard of finished goods, making spending on superior goods mandatory. Material quality indicators include inspection, specifications, quality control, simplicity, and conformity to industry standards. Therefore, sizes and dimensions within tolerance limits ensure dependable sections and components.

Consumer preferences drive the market, determining what sells and what doesn’t. Material quality control aims for high-quality and cost-effective products. Reliable product descriptions arise from high-quality standards, precise measurements, dependability, durability, reliability, superb looks, and top-notch performance. Superior inputs are essential for superior outputs, resulting in lower labor expenses.

So, the product’s functionality, construction quality, and marketability are linked. Material quality affects supplier and customer collaboration and satisfaction. Maintaining quality control requires giving proper weight to size, requirements, and material quality. Moreover, quality control tests must adhere to the specified standards in creation and execution.

Production and Procurement Choices

Management makes policy decisions, such as manufacturing and purchasing choices. Having the capability and means to produce a wide range of products should be front and center in every business’s strategic planning efforts.

However, when a company grows rapidly, its sales grow at the same rate, and the company must choose between buying parts and expanding its facilities to keep up with demand. Having the ability to choose suppliers who can purchase the required things for less money is equally important for the materials management department.

The appraisal, availability, procurement, selection of alternative materials, and inventory management heavily influence production and purchasing choices. To maximize current and future production capacity by making the most of their skills, personnel, and available machines, the organization bases these judgments on cost economics and cost-benefit analysis they’ve devised.

Shipping and Receiving Logistics

The goal is to minimize the time and money spent moving goods within a production team. It is also clear that no resources are wasted or lost in transit. Transporting tools are available for individual purchase.

The receiving department unloads the goods, counts them, checks for quality, and then sends them out to the stores. The buying office also receives updates on when to expect shipments of raw materials. The proper disposition of surplus or obsolete materials through sales, scrapping, or recycling is a functions of material management.

Stock Management

Stock on hand is what most people think of when they hear the term “inventory.” A company’s idle resources are another name for this concept. Products in stock, raw materials waiting to be processed, and everything in between are all examples of inventories. The time it takes to buy raw materials and turn them into finished products varies by sector and manufacturing cycle.

Having multiple different kinds of stocks helps to balance out fluctuations in supply and demand. Also, good inventory control is essential to ensuring that the production cycle runs efficiently and with minimal delays.


Supply chain management would be incomplete without the ability to transport goods from vendors. The Department of Traffic manages the city’s transportation system. The business has alternative options for acquiring or renting vehicles. The amount and frequency of supply purchases are crucial. Besides, the goal is to get shipments quickly and cheaply to their final destinations.


Is Material Management Standard Practice?

In most cases, people perceive the role as merely a formality of the system, but in others, they strictly follow it. Some companies often overlook material management because they assume it falls under the purview of purchasing.

What’s the Purpose of MRP?

An MRP system calculates raw material, component, and subassembly requirements based on demand and the BOM, along with optimal assembly time for the final product. The production time is shortened as a result of this.

How does Inventory Management Work in a Company?

The role of Material Management is to source the most cost-effective tools and supplies for the company. Tasks include shopping, keeping track of stock, sending and receiving packages, and handling departmental budgets.


The materials management process would be incomplete without sourcing. This entails searching for and narrowing down potential suppliers, as well as negotiating contracts and checking that they meet the quality requirements set by the company. Businesses may save money, get their orders faster, and improve the quality of their purchases all with the help of a solid procurement plan. Thank you for reading. To continue expanding your knowledge, we encourage you to explore our website for additional resources.

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