September 2023

Fundamentals of Product Management-What are Product Management Fundamentals-What are the Fundamentals of Product Management

Fundamentals of Product Management

Many readers wonder what compels me to share my thoughts on product management in print. Sometimes, after conducting a benchmark study with significant findings, I’ll share the information for the benefit of all. On occasion, I notice trends or patterns in a company’s operations that may serve as a clear guide or “how-to” manual for

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Scope of Product Management-What is Product Management Scope-What is the Scope of Product Management

Scope of Product Management

Product management is crucial for achieving company goals through the stages of a product’s life-cycle. Also, management of products acts as the company’s spokesperson for customers. Companies’ customers, non-customers, buyers, and users in certain niches all make up the “market.” They tell it like it is by taking vital market data and turning it into

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Advantages of Product Management-What are Product Management Advantages-What are the Advantages of Product Management

Advantages of Product Management

The traditional business model often involves product technology development by engineers, product presentation decisions by marketers, and customer relationships managed by business developers. All three roles are still necessary in product management, but the manager is ultimately responsible for setting the framework and leading the process. The product manager’s proficiency in these three areas is

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Characteristics of Product Management-What are Product Management Characteristics-What are the Characteristics of Product Management

Characteristics of Product Management

Managers of products also need the ability to put together and steer multidisciplinary teams. To ensure the success and development of a product, it is crucial to assemble, manage, and direct a team of professionals from several departments, such as engineering, design, sales, and marketing. This entails defining the product’s direction and goals, encouraging teamwork

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